The beloved animated series “The Simpsons” has long been known for its countless jokes and eerie predictions about the future. After voicing Lisa Simpson for 36 seasons, Yeardley Smith was astonished to see one prediction come true—not just once, but twice! “Trump as President,” Smith revealed exclusively to The Post at Vulture Fest over the weekend. “I do know the story was that they were—as ‘The Simpsons’ do—like who would be the most ridiculous President ever? Whether or not you voted for him, that was the thinking.”

The actress added, “We predicted it long before it happened so I don’t even think he was thinking about politics. He was doing ‘The Apprentice.’ That’s the one that stands out the most.” However, this wasn’t the only major event the Fox sitcom foresaw. As Smith mentioned, “There is also the killer hornets and now we have murder hornets. Great! Listen, they just have to knock it off because it never seems to be good news.”

Viewers might recall the 2000 episode “Bart to the Future,” where a glimpse into the future showed Lisa Simpson as President of the United States, addressing her staff about the budget crunch inherited from President Trump. In 2016, Trump was elected president, and while America wasn’t broke, the stock market faced significant losses during his term, especially during the coronavirus pandemic. By 2024, Trump had won the election against Vice President Kamala Harris.

Beyond these predictions, Smith cherishes some of the show’s enduring relationships. “Sideshow Bob is trying to kill Bart,” she shared. “Lisa and Homer trying to figure out how they relate to each other. That relationship which I love—actually Homer is so sweet with her. I love the rivalry always with Bart and Lisa, they do it so well.”

In addition to voicing a character for decades, Smith’s podcast Small Town Dicks recently won Best Documentary Podcast at the Women in Podcasting Awards. “I cohost with my now husband Detective Dan and his identical twin brother Detective Dave and Paul Holes,” the host explained. “All of the cases are told by detectives who investigated them so you get a real first-hand account of what it was like to get all of the dominos to line up perfectly in order for justice to be served.”

Smith added, “If one domino falls, really, there are so many reasons and occurrences where a case goes sideways and it never goes to trial or whatever the case may be.” As for her reaction to winning the award, “Honestly when they won and my name was called I was like, ‘What?’ I was so surprised,” Smith confessed. “I don’t win a lot of stuff! I realized I was woefully unprepared. But as I said in my little speech, I stand on the shoulders of great editors and an extraordinary team. I was happy to accept on our behalf.”

Celebrations were in order, so the voiceover star emailed her business partner and team, excitedly announcing, “‘We won!'” She teased, “Replies trickled in like, ‘Oh, what did we win?’ I was like, ‘You guys! You are the worst!'”

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