At 18, Noor Bassam underwent rhinoplasty at 17 because she was dissatisfied with her nose. Despite attempts with contouring, she felt unable to achieve her desired appearance. Eager to enhance her confidence before university, she persuaded her parents to consent to the surgery, despite medical advice against it. Mandatory parental approval is required for minors opting for such procedures. Initially unhappy with the outcome, Noor now feels more confident and is part of a rising trend among young UAE residents choosing cosmetic surgeries.

Her cousin, Zain Osama, also had rhinoplasty at 17 and now, at 20, regrets her decision. She feels her nose has not turned out as planned and is more insecure than before. Both Noor and Zain attribute their decisions to the influence of social media, which sets high beauty standards.

Clinical psychologist Sneha John in Dubai highlights that constant exposure to filtered images on social platforms like Instagram increases the desire for cosmetic procedures. Dr. Mayur Bhobe, a dermatologist, advises against such treatments for those under 18 due to their psychological immaturity and potential impacts on facial development.

Dr. Jaffer Khan, an aesthetics specialist, also opposes filler treatments for minors, emphasizing the importance of patient maturity and understanding in cosmetic procedures. Dr. Manoj Kumar and Dr. Adel Quttainah stress the need for thoughtful consideration and parental consent, especially for medical reasons.

Zain offers advice to minors considering cosmetic treatments, urging them to thoroughly research and ensure their decision is not influenced by external factors. She reflects on her journey, emphasizing the importance of self-acceptance over fixating on perceived flaws.