The iconic rock band Aerosmith has revealed their decision to retire from touring. The announcement was made via their Instagram account, accompanied by an emotional message. "We've always aimed to amaze you with our performances. As you're aware, Steven's voice is unique. He has devoted considerable time to restoring his voice post-injury. Despite having top medical professionals, we've witnessed his struggles. Regrettably, it's evident that a complete recovery from his vocal injury isn't feasible. We've made a painful yet essential decision—as a band of brothers—to step away from the touring stage," the message stated.

The band reminisced about their extensive journey and expressed their appreciation to their fans. "It was 1970 when the idea of Aerosmith was born. Thanks to you, our Blue Army, that idea ignited and has blazed for over five decades. Some of you have been with us from the start, and all of you are why we've made rock 'n' roll history," the message continued.

"It's been a privilege to have our music be part of your lives. In every venue, on every grand tour, and in personal moments, you've given us a spot in your life's soundtrack," the band added. They extended their thanks to all who supported them over the years, saying, "We're grateful to our skilled crew, our remarkable team, and the many talented individuals who made our historic tours possible. A final thank you to you—the best fans on Earth. Keep playing our music loud, now and forever. Dream On. You've made our dreams a reality."

This decision follows lead singer Steven Tyler's vocal cord injury, which hasn't healed completely. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Aerosmith had to delay their 2023 Peace Out: The Farewell Tour last year due to the severity of Tyler's injury. Fans who bought tickets for the postponed tour will be refunded.