The Agents of Sabotage update has officially launched in Grand Theft Auto Online, offering players fresh content to dive into before the year ends. This update revolves around the Darnell Bros Garment Factory, which players can now acquire and transform into their personal base of operations. From this location, you can collaborate with a former FIB agent to undertake missions and earn substantial rewards. However, GTA Online doesn't provide clear instructions on how to begin with the Agents of Sabotage update.
To start, you'll receive a call from Pavel, a new Russian contact, shortly after logging into GTA Online post-update. Pavel introduces an investment opportunity involving the Darnell Bros Garment Factory and ends the call. Afterward, access your phone and visit the MazeBank Foreclosures website to purchase the Darnell Bros Garment Factory for $2.35 million. Owning this property is essential to unlock most of the update's features, so if you lack the funds, you'll need to save up.
Once the factory is yours, head over to its location and interact with Pavel to fully engage with the Agents of Sabotage content. The Darnell Bros Garment Factory is familiar to those who've played GTA 5's story mode, as it's the site where the initial jewelry heist with Lester is planned. In GTA Online, a 'fire' has erased any trace of the previous activities that occurred there. The factory is situated in the eastern region of Los Santos, southeast of the residential district. A map screenshot below pinpoints its exact location.
Arrive at the factory and step into the blue cone in front of the building to meet Pavel inside. You'll then receive a tour of the facility and meet the ex-FIB agent who will assign you missions. With that, you're all set to explore the Agents of Sabotage update in GTA Online.
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