Actor Ayushmann Khurrana is gearing up to collaborate with Rashmika Mandanna for the upcoming film Thama. He recently shared a sneak peek of the warm reception he received on his first day of filming. On Wednesday, Khurrana posted a photo of a special welcome card on his Instagram Story, courtesy of the film's producers. The card introduced him as the lead in Maddock Films' 'horror-comedy universe' and read, 'Dear Ayushmann, It's fang-tastic to have you on board Maddock's horror comedy universe. Who better than 'Ayushmann' to play the 'un-dead' Thama? We believe this is a role you will love to sink your teeth into! Best wishes, DV.'

In another Instagram Story, the actor shared a note from a crew member expressing enthusiasm about the project's commencement. The note stated, 'Good morning sir, Yeahh Finally it's Thama Day...we are so excited to start this Thama journey with you...Hope you have a great first day with us...Let's make good memories...'

In the movie, Khurrana will be joined by Mandanna and Nawazuddin Siddiqui. Speaking about leading the horror comedy universe, the actor said in a press release, 'I'm excited that Dinesh Vijan feels this is the best time for me to enter his blockbuster horror comedy universe in and as Thama. After Stree 2 became the all-time biggest Bollywood film in the history of Hindi cinema, I am thrilled to be part of this universe's legacy as it moves forward and also feel responsible for giving audiences a theatrical experience that they will remember for years to come.'

Director Aditya Sarpotdar, known for his work in Munjya, has been brought on board to direct the film.

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