On Thursday, the Rouse Avenue court granted bail to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in a money laundering case linked to the Delhi excise policy. Vacation judge Nyay Bindu allowed the bail upon Arvind Kejriwal providing a bail bond of Rs one lakh. The court denied the ED's plea to delay the bail bond filing process by 48 hours. Kejriwal was apprehended by the ED on March 21 regarding a money laundering case involving alleged discrepancies in the now-scrapped Delhi excise policy for 2021-22. The Supreme Court had previously granted him interim bail on May 10 due to the Lok Sabha elections, instructing him to surrender on June 2. He was also directed not to go to the Chief Minister's Office and the Delhi Secretariat. Earlier, the Delhi High Court had rejected his request for release from jail, dismissing his claim of political persecution during the Lok Sabha elections.