This month, Dubai Police have confiscated 640 bicycles and e-scooters due to multiple infringements by their users, such as exceeding speed limits, operating in unauthorized zones, going against traffic, and neglecting to wear protective equipment including helmets.

Authorities announced on Saturday that these actions not only breached traffic regulations but also jeopardized the safety of both the riders and others. Maj Gen Abdullah Ali Al Ghaithi highlighted that numerous offenses associated with e-scooters and bicycles are penalized with substantial fines. For instance, riding an e-bike or bicycle on a road with a speed limit exceeding 60kmph incurs a Dh300 fine. Similarly, endangering oneself or others while riding results in a Dh300 penalty. Transporting a passenger on an e-scooter is also fined Dh300, while doing so on an e-bike or bicycle not suitably equipped for passengers leads to a Dh200 fine. Additionally, riding an e-scooter or bicycle against the traffic direction carries a Dh200 fine.