The Emirates Red Crescent (ERC) has initiated The Water Aid Initiative to alleviate the effects of summer heat both domestically and globally. This campaign focuses on assisting disadvantaged families, laborers, and individuals engaged in physically demanding jobs during the increasing temperatures. At the local level, these groups receive umbrellas, insulated water containers, and health kits. On an international scale, the initiative involves drilling wells and supplying water tanks and atmospheric water generators. The aim is to equip the targeted groups with essential tools to shield them from the intense sun and high temperatures.

During the summer, the UAE has introduced multiple initiatives for outdoor workers to provide relief from the heat. These initiatives include health examinations, rest areas, complimentary ice cream, and enforced midday breaks. The Water Aid Initiative is anticipated to introduce a new approach and a significant improvement in supplying additional water resources to people in water-scarce regions, encouraging donors to support these crucial projects.

In a recent statement, the ERC emphasized that the campaign is driven by the commitment to safeguard human life, health, and dignity, and to protect against natural elements. The organization has finalized its preparations and taken the requisite actions to fulfill the campaign's objectives by attracting more partners, thereby increasing the number of beneficiaries both locally and internationally.