Having mostly indulged in South Indian cuisine through dosas and idlis, my expectations were uncertain as I ventured to Kovalam for its Kerala Food Festival. Kovalam, established in the UAE for 26 years, is located at the President Hotel in Al Karama. Upon entering the restaurant, I was greeted by an unexpected natural ambiance, with green leaves hanging from the light fixtures and beams, creating an outdoor feel indoors. As we made our way to our table, a waiter passed by with a large boat filled with delicacies, which turned out to be the 100cm-long, 34cm-wide Vallam Boat, featuring 10 types of seafood from Cochin, accompanied by signature beverages, priced at Dh399.

Feeling overwhelmed by the food options, we opted for the special menu available until July 31, which offered a culinary journey through South India, with daily specials from various districts. Despite the variety, including Kallumakkaya (mussels) fry and Malabar duck roast, we decided to begin with prawns tawa fry. I am particular about prawns, often finding them overcooked or under-seasoned, but this dish was perfectly prepared, devoid of the typical 'smell of the sea' associated with less fresh prawns. However, due to the restaurant's practice of making dishes upon order, a 20-minute wait is advisable.

For the main course, we selected Niracha khozi curry, a chicken gravy dish, and Aleppy Chemmeen Curry (prawn curry) with aapam. Both dishes were well-flavored and cooked to perfection, though those unaccustomed to spice should inform the staff to adjust the heat. We enjoyed the meal, despite the occasional sniffle from the chili, which only enhanced the flavors. The experience left us eager to return.

The food festival, running until July 31, offers a variety of dishes including paripu coins, betel leaf wrapped chicken, and trivandrum stuffed nandu (crab). Main courses feature chemba puttu and kadala curry, niracha khozi curry, and kingfish curry, followed by sweet treats like raggi pudding ice cream or palada payasam. Additionally, the festival includes cultural events such as historical artifact displays and cultural dances, making it a must-visit for those keen to explore Kerala's diverse flavors.