Gory grottos featuring demons impaling sinners on stakes and scenes of people drowning in pools of blood are far from typical theme park attractions. However, at Hell's Museum in Singapore's Haw Par Villa park, guests are greeted by a kitschy, air-conditioned depiction of hell. This expansive park, home to over 1,000 statues and dioramas reflecting Asian culture, faiths, and philosophy, showcases various religious perspectives on the afterlife.

Visitors are invited to explore the 10 Courts of Hell, which vividly illustrate the punishments meted out for various sins committed on Earth. For example, at the second court, corrupt individuals are frozen in ice, while rapists at the seventh court are submerged in boiling oil. These courts are a fusion of four distinct religions and philosophies: Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, and Confucianism, according to Eisen Teo, the chief curator of Hell's Museum in multicultural Singapore.

The sculptures and dioramas serve as a visual exploration of numerous classic tales and moral values familiar to many Singaporeans. Visitor Gin Goldberg expressed that she was not shocked to discover differing religious views on the afterlife, stating, "One person's heaven would be another person's hell."

Haw Par Villa, unlike Singapore's more conventional tourist spots like Marina Bay Sands' luxury shops or the towering "supertrees" of Gardens by the Bay, stands out as a unique attraction. Built in 1937 by entrepreneur Aw Boon Haw, co-creator of the popular Tiger Balm pain relief ointment, the park is cherished by older generations but has struggled to attract Gen Z and younger millennials.

To enhance its appeal, the park has hosted several rave parties and private events, though carefully avoiding the religious exhibits. Savita Kashyap, Journeys' executive director, noted that visitors often fall in love with the park's quirky, eccentric atmosphere and its intriguing sculptures, leading to repeat visits. While Haw Par Villa also features scenes from Chinese folklore, such as those from Romance of the Three Kingdoms, its hellish attraction continues to be the main draw.

However, not all visitors are enamored. A Filipina visitor, upon exiting, remarked that she found the experience too frightening and had no plans to return soon.