American author Esther Hicks once remarked: “Health is not just about what you’re eating. It’s also about what you’re thinking and saying.” In our rapidly moving world, the quest for wellness has transformed into a multifaceted journey that goes beyond mere physical health. Today, wellness embraces a comprehensive approach to life, uniting the mind and body to achieve a balanced harmony. Statista reports that this heightened awareness has spurred a boom in the wellness industry, with its global market value exceeding $4.3 trillion (approximately Dh15 trillion) in 2020, and is expected to climb to $7 trillion by 2025.

Emirati entrepreneurs Raisa Al Fahim and Faiza Al Ankar, co-founders of Breathe Wellness Studio, stress that holistic wellness involves incorporating practices into daily life that enhance mindfulness, stress management, and self-care. Al Fahim explains: “Holistic wellness is about nurturing one’s whole self in a balanced and harmonious way. This is crucial in our fast-paced era. As awareness grows about the significance of a balanced lifestyle, holistic wellness is becoming pivotal for long-term health and happiness.”

The connection between the mind and body is increasingly clear. Stress, a common issue in today’s society, significantly impacts overall well-being. A 2021 Gallup survey found that 41 percent of adults across 122 countries experience high stress levels, with Afghanistan leading at 68 percent and the US close behind at 53 percent. Al Fahim notes: “Chronic stress can manifest physically as tension or illness, while spiritual disconnection might lead to a sense of emptiness or lack of purpose, affecting mental and emotional health. At our studio, we focus on practices that align these three elements, such as mindfulness meditation, yoga, and community activities. When all three are in balance, a person is more likely to experience overall well-being.”

Al Ankar emphasizes this integrated approach: “At our studio, we focus on movement, both physical and mental. Through meditation, we encourage clients to think creatively and differently. Through slower yoga types like ‘yin’ yoga, we help clients deeply connect with their bodies and create space for healing. Lastly, we emphasize the importance of daily self-care moments. Taking a conscious choice to do something small for ourselves, whether it’s mindful breathing, deep stretching, or journaling, leaves us feeling closer to ourselves, recharged, and ready to give our best.”

One of the most exciting trends in holistic wellness is the integration of technology with traditional practices. Guided meditation apps, virtual reality mindfulness experiences, and wearable devices offer innovative ways to monitor and manage wellness by tracking sleep and stress levels. Additionally, the resurgence of ancient practices like sound healing and breathwork within modern wellness routines is gaining popularity, offering profound benefits for the mind and body.

Al Fahim integrates wellness principles into her daily routine: “I start my day with morning prayer, which centers me and sets a positive tone. Throughout the day, I take short breaks to breathe deeply and refocus. Regular exercise is important, so I either work out after work or, on tiring days, enjoy long walks with my brother. I always listen to my body, choosing exercises that feel right and don’t cause stress. In the evenings, I unwind by spending quality time with loved ones, followed by a soothing night routine that includes skincare, vitamins, and journaling. These practices keep me grounded and aligned with the holistic wellness values I live by.”

Al Ankar also listens to her body’s needs: “I listen to my body and what I need in that moment. Sometimes, I’ll feel the need to write down my thoughts, while other days I’ll feel like connecting with nature and using an app to guide me; the key is getting good at listening to what you need.” To maintain balance amid a busy entrepreneurial life, she adds: “I always have a plan! I plan time to work and time to rest. I create weekly goals and prioritize them, allowing me to let go of some items if needed. I also schedule time to rest and ‘no work’ periods. It’s important to stick to this plan to avoid burnout. Spa days, nature getaways, learning new things, and spending time with loved ones are different ways for me to rest and break away from the routine. These practices allow me to recharge, stay motivated and creative, and keep my mind thinking in new and different ways.” Achieving well-being doesn’t require perfection—it’s about making gradual progress. Treat yourself with kindness, embrace rest and self-care, and recognize that every small step enhances your overall balance and fulfillment.