Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, was found guilty by a jury on Tuesday for lying about his drug use to purchase a firearm illegally. This verdict could be used by Democrats to challenge Donald Trump's assertion that the justice system is biased against him. The jury in Wilmington, Delaware, federal court reached this decision, marking Hunter Biden as the first child of a sitting U.S. president to be convicted of a crime. A unanimous verdict from the 12-member jury is required for each count. This trial follows the May 30 conviction of Trump, the first former U.S. president to be convicted of a felony, who was Joe Biden's opponent in the November 5 election. Trump, convicted on 34 counts of falsifying business records related to a sex scandal, accuses Democrats of using these cases, including Hunter Biden's, to thwart his return to power. Congressional Democrats cite the Hunter Biden case as proof that Joe Biden is not manipulating the justice system for political gain, stating last week that he would not pardon his son if convicted. The case against Hunter Biden was led by U.S. Department of Justice Special Counsel David Weiss, appointed by Trump. Weiss has also charged Hunter Biden with three felony and six misdemeanor tax offenses in California, alleging unpaid taxes of $1.4 million from 2016 to 2019, spent on drugs, escorts, exotic cars, and other luxury items. Hunter Biden has pleaded not guilty to these charges, with a trial set for September 5 in Los Angeles. The Delaware trial featured testimony from Hunter Biden's ex-wife, former girlfriend, and sister-in-law, detailing his addiction around the time he bought the gun in October 2018. Prosecutors presented text messages, photos, and bank records to demonstrate Biden's deep addiction and his deliberate violation of the law by falsely answering 'no' to being a drug user on a government screening form. Biden's defense argued that he was not using drugs at the time of the purchase and did not intend to deceive, as he did not consider himself a drug user when completing the form. His daughter, Naomi Biden, testified that her father appeared to be doing well during the period around the gun purchase. The sentencing guidelines for the gun-related charges are 15 to 21 months, but similar cases often result in shorter sentences and less likelihood of incarceration if the defendant complies with pretrial release conditions.