The inaugural Annual Arab Child Summit is an innovative event scheduled for September 25 at Expo City. This summit is dedicated to enhancing the ecosystem that supports Arab children's growth and development. It will bring together over 200-300 participants, including caregivers, educators, nutritionists, therapists, language specialists, psychologists, doctors, entrepreneurs, child coaches, business owners, parent coaches, and policymakers. Through seminars, workshops, and panel discussions, the summit aims to provide caregivers with the confidence and tools needed to nurture the next generation of Arab youth. Representing over 12 Arab nationalities, a roster of 25 speakers, including prominent figures in nutrition, parenting, psychology, coaching, early learning, and social advocacy, will share their insights.

The mission of the Annual Arab Child Summit is to unite a community of Arab caregivers, innovators, experts, educators, and leaders to equip caregivers with the confidence to nurture a future generation of proud Arab youth who possess the necessary competencies to excel as global citizens. This event is locally incubated, regionally nurtured, and globally adapted, with a strong emphasis on providing transformational and research-driven tools to those responsible for nurturing the Arab leaders of tomorrow.

"We are strong believers in the power of community and the idea that while individually we may not know all the answers, together we must strive to ask all the right questions. Our Arab community holds a vast wealth of knowledge and talent. By embracing our diversity—whether in language proficiency, religion, expertise, or nationality—and through the spirit of collaboration, we can elevate the Arab child experience, encouraging them to achieve their highest potential and build a strong foundation for future generations," stated the founders of the Annual Arab Child Summit, Reem Madkour, Nabih AlHajji, and Deema AlAlami.

As co-founders of Dardasha, an Arab company focused on creating original, high-quality Arabic content, Reem and Nabih aim to enable children aged 0-5 to excel and thrive in the Arabic language through their books, toys, and interactive products. Joining them in this mission is author, activist, and former VP at Gems Education, Deema AlAlami, who now actively advocates for Arabic culture, parenting, and language development through her social page, Oh The Books.

"We want to connect through community building, strengthen caregivers by providing access to valuable and applicable resources, and celebrate Arab values and identity by amplifying Arab expertise, voices, and businesses," they added. Their motto is to bring a diverse network of Arab parents and professionals together to initiate channels of communication between all stakeholders and foster a sense of collaboration in the pursuit of nurturing a proud and successful Arab generation.

All sessions will be delivered by highly experienced experts, who are well-versed in international best practices and have a deep understanding of the Arab family and its needs. These experts include leaders in education, child development, nutrition, physical health, policymaking, and more. The summit offers four delivery formats:

> Workshops: Interactive hands-on sessions designed to empower Arab parents in diverse topics with the necessary skills, tools, and resources to achieve their unique parenting goals.

> Seminars: Designed to equip attendees with practical tools and insights from leading experts.

> Panel Discussions: Access to highly informative and engaging panel discussions, centered around the opportunities and challenges that Arab children face.