The final season of the popular Game of Thrones series, released in 2019, faced significant criticism. Five years later, Kit Harington, known for his role as Jon Snow, acknowledged that the ending was hurried, as reported by The Hollywood Reporter. In a recent GQ interview, Harington expressed, "If there was any flaw in the conclusion of Thrones, it was that we were all extremely fatigued, and couldn't continue further. Thus, I comprehend why some viewers felt it was rushed, and I might concur. However, I'm uncertain if there was an alternative. Looking at photos from that final season, I appear utterly drained and depleted. I simply didn't have another season left in me."

Addressing the backlash against the series finale, Harington stated, "Everyone has the right to their viewpoint. I believe there were errors, particularly in the storytelling towards the end. Some intriguing decisions didn't quite hit the mark."

Harington also touched on HBO's abandoned Thrones spinoff, Snow, which was in development for some time. Although he refrained from detailing the plot ("it triggers a whole online discussion"), he explained his initial reluctance and eventual decision against pursuing it. "HBO approached me with the idea," he recounted. "Initially, I declined. Then, I considered the potential for an impactful story about a soldier post-war. I sensed there might be a narrative worth telling, albeit in a constrained manner. We engaged in development for a couple of years, but nothing truly sparked enthusiasm. Ultimately, I stepped back, concluding that further development could yield something unsatisfactory, which is the last outcome we desire."