For the first time after several weeks of theoretical driving lessons, Myla (name altered) found herself on the road, her hands sweaty and nerves evident. Although she adhered to the speed limit, the persistent honking from a motorist behind her caused her to become distracted, leading to a sudden swerve, a common traffic violation. In the UAE, such an action typically results in a Dh1,000 fine and four black points on the driver's license. However, as Myla is still a learner without a license, the question arises: who faces the penalty? The Dubai Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) clarified to Khaleej Times that if a learner commits a traffic violation, the driving institute is fined. Myla, who did not reveal her driving school, apologized to her instructor and plans to continue her lessons. Wajahat Noor, manager of the Instructor Training Centre at Emirates Driving Institute, emphasized that instructors are responsible for the safety of learners, the training vehicle, and other road users. He noted that instructors must be extra cautious, especially in challenging situations such as sharp curves, roundabouts, and traffic lights. If learners make mistakes that could lead to accidents or fines, the fault is attributed to the instructor. Noor highlighted the challenging role of professional driving instructors, who must provide proper guidance, ensure learners understand rules, and remain calm and focused. Effective communication and immediate feedback are crucial for instructors to help students develop their driving skills. Training vehicles are equipped with safety features, including dual controls and brakes, to prevent accidents during lessons. Thomas Edelmann, founder and managing director of RoadSafetyUAE, stressed the need for a strong focus on new drivers, citing statistics that 15% of major accidents are caused by new license holders. He called for stakeholders to raise awareness for safe conduct and suggested introducing a mandatory road safety curriculum in schools. Edelmann reminded that acquiring a driver's license is a significant achievement but comes with great responsibility. RoadSafetyUAE also provided safety reminders for all motorists, emphasizing the importance of wearing seat belts, obeying speed limits, and maintaining focus on the road.