Beginning July 1, a fresh public bus service will be serving the inhabitants of Damac Hills 2, a well-liked residential area on the periphery of Dubai, as reported by Khaleej Times. Bus stop signs featuring the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) emblem have been installed throughout the community, outlining the new route designated as DA2. This route will circulate through the clusters of Damac Hills 2 before extending to Dubai Studio City. An executive from the RTA call center verified that the DA2 buses will commence service on July 1.

The newly erected RTA sign at the bus stop states, "The route will function between Damac Hills 2 and Dubai Studio City, with departures scheduled every two hours." The initial departure from the community is set at 5:47 AM, with the final trip at 9:32 PM daily. Passengers will be levied a uniform rate of Dh5 per journey. Attached is a photograph of the information board, enumerating the stops from Damac Hills 2 to Dubai Studio City.

This new public transport solution is anticipated to alleviate the commuting challenges faced by residents of Damac Hills 2, many of whom must drive to their workplaces. Those without personal vehicles, such as Filipino expatriate Linda Panganiban, depend on the complimentary shuttle buses operated by the community's management. However, these buses frequently reach capacity, particularly during peak hours, leaving Panganiban often with no alternative but to spend Dh90 to Dh100 on a taxi ride to the city.

"This RTA bus will certainly be a significant aid. Consider the contrast from a Dh100 taxi fare to a Dh5 bus ride. The journey will undoubtedly be longer, but I don't mind. The savings will be worthwhile," she expressed. The bus will transport passengers to Dubai Studio City, where they can connect to another bus leading to the Metro.

In recent years, Damac Hills 2 has emerged as a favored choice for residents seeking to reside in townhouses without incurring substantial rental costs. In 2021, the yearly rent for a three-bedroom villa in the area dropped to as little as Dh40,000.