A mobile version of the popular game Palworld is currently being developed, with PUBG company Krafton working on a licensing deal with Pocketpair to bring the game to smartphones. PUBG Studios is spearheading the development of the mobile version of Palworld, although further details were not disclosed in the recent press release. Following the game's release in January 2024, scammers swiftly created counterfeit versions of Palworld for mobile devices, prompting Pocketpair to issue a warning to fans to stay alert.

The agreement between Krafton and Pocketpair was announced shortly after Nintendo filed a lawsuit against Pocketpair for patent infringement. Palworld achieved significant success upon its launch on PC and Xbox earlier this year, and a PS5 edition was released at the end of September. The mobile version is just the latest addition to Palworld's expanding platform, and Pocketpair has no intention of stopping there. The company has also joined forces with Sony to establish a venture named Palworld Entertainment, which will oversee additional licensing opportunities, including merchandise.

Palworld shares some similarities with Pokemon, but Nintendo's lawsuit focuses on patent infringement claims rather than copyright infringement. One analyst predicts that Nintendo will likely win its lawsuit against Pocketpair, suggesting that since Nintendo cannot halt Palworld based on copyright, it aims to 'use other means,' such as technical patents, to achieve its goal. If you're new to the game, make sure to check out GameSpot's Palworld guides to get a head start.