Up to 100 shooting stars per hour are expected to illuminate the night skies over the UAE during the peak of the Perseids meteor shower next week. UAE residents do not require any special equipment to enjoy this celestial event on August 12; they simply need to locate a spot away from urban areas and street lights, lie down, and gaze upwards.
For those seeking a guided experience, there are two paid events available: one at the summit of the UAE’s highest peak, Jebel Jais, and another in the depths of the Sharjah desert at Mleiha. The Dubai Astronomy Group, which is organizing a viewing event on Jebel Jais, notes that the Perseids “typically offer a spectacular display, and this year could produce up to 100 meteors per hour at a dark site”. Known for their bright shooting stars, the Perseids often generate ‘fireballs’, which are “larger explosions of light and color” that persist longer than typical meteor streaks.
The annual Perseids meteor shower occurs when Earth traverses the debris trail left by the comet Swift-Tuttle. “This debris burns up in Earth's atmosphere, creating bright streaks of light in the night sky. The meteors appear to emanate from the constellation Perseus, hence the name Perseids,” the DAG explained. The Perseids are renowned as one of the “most reliable” meteor showers, consistently providing impressive displays year after year.
Although the meteor shower is active from mid-July to late August, it reaches its peak on the night of August 12 and into the morning of the next day. Many UAE residents venture into the desert or climb mountains to witness these celestial events. “Keep in mind the weather will be hot and humid this time of year in the desert, so dress accordingly. Jebel Jais, being at a higher altitude, offers pleasant weather conditions,” said the DAG, which will host its event from 10pm to 3am. The Mleiha Archaeological Centre in Sharjah highlighted that the Perseids meteor shower is famous for its “dazzling display of shooting stars”. It has set up a special campsite in the Mleiha desert for its guided viewing event from 7pm to 1am.