Kate, the Princess of Wales, made her initial public appearance on Saturday since undergoing surgery five months ago, which disclosed her cancer diagnosis. She attended a military parade in central London, where she was accompanied by her three children in a covered carriage. They observed the 'Trooping the Colour', an annual event near Buckingham Palace celebrating the British monarch's official birthday, King Charles. As the carriage passed, the cheering crowds far outnumbered a few protesters advocating for the monarchy's end. King Charles and Queen Camilla traveled in a different carriage, while Prince William, Charles' heir and Kate's spouse, rode horseback with other royal family members. A video of this appearance can be found on the Prince and Princess of Wales' official Instagram. Dressed in a pale ensemble with a white and navy ribbon and a wide-brimmed hat, Kate viewed the ceremony from a window, explaining parts of it to her children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis. Charles saluted the passing troops from a covered platform on the parade ground. After the parade, despite the heavy rain, Kate smiled and waved at the crowd. Since the cancer announcement, the 42-year-old has been receiving preventative chemotherapy, and although still in treatment, her health improvement allowed her to make this public appearance since December. In a personal message on Friday, she acknowledged her progress but noted she was 'not out of the woods' yet. She expressed her anticipation for the parade and hopes to engage in a few public events over the summer. Kate was hospitalized for two weeks in January following major abdominal surgery, and in March, she announced via a video message that cancer had been detected. Spectators eagerly awaited the princess's appearance, with one stating, 'All eyes will be on Kate because we haven't seen her for a while.' Another expressed relief at seeing Kate in person, describing the event as 'joyful, euphoric, and fabulous.' Kate's message also thanked the thousands of supportive messages she received globally, which significantly impacted her and William. Kensington Palace has not disclosed details about the cancer type or treatment, except that preventative chemotherapy started in February. Kate's illness coincides with Charles's cancer treatment; he resumed public duties in April, managing his commitments to aid his recovery.