In the recent developments stemming from the Malayalam cinema industry scandal, actor Minu Muneer accused fellow actors M Mukesh, Jayasurya, Maniyanpilla Raju, and Idavela Babu of sexual harassment on Tuesday. Additionally, a case was filed against director Ranjith following allegations of inappropriate behavior by Bengali actress Sreelekha Mitra on Monday.

This news follows the public release of a redacted version of the Justice Hema Committee report on harassment in the Malayalam cinema industry on August 19. The report, submitted to the Kerala government in December 2019, was made public only recently. The committee was established after the 2017 assault on actress Bhavana Menon, which implicated leading actor Dileep. Despite his denial, Dileep was imprisoned for three months before being released on bail.

The Justice Hema Committee found evidence of misconduct within the industry, highlighting issues such as denial of basic human rights to women, including access to toilets and changing rooms on sets. The report also noted that the industry is dominated by a group of powerful male figures who are often the perpetrators of harassment.

Following the release of the report, Bengali actress Sreelekha Mitra accused director Ranjith of inappropriate behavior in 2019, leading to his resignation as Kerala Chalachitra Academy Chairman. The Kerala government has since formed a special investigation team to probe allegations of sexual abuse in the Malayalam film industry.

Several women have come forward with their experiences, including Sreelekha Mitra, who detailed an incident with director Ranjith in 2009, and actress Revathy Sampath, who accused actor Siddique of sexual misconduct. Actor Minu Muneer also spoke out about her experiences with fellow actors, alleging verbal and physical abuse.