Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance, the enhanced version of the highly praised 2021 RPG, has received a significant discount for Black Friday. The narrative-rich dungeon crawler is now available for just $25 at Amazon, allowing you to engage in demon fusion and make impactful moral decisions without straining your budget. This offer includes the standard PS5 and Nintendo Switch editions, as well as the steelbook Xbox Series X edition. Vengeance introduces new navigation and combat mechanics to make battles more intuitive, and it also boasts numerous story enhancements to deepen your connection with both human and demon characters. Our review of Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance highlighted that it performs better than the 2021 release. For more deals on video games, movies, and a wide range of other products, be sure to explore our comprehensive roundups of the best Black Friday deals.

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