A significant portion of the population in the UAE depends on their salary as their main source of income, which is why timely wage payments are crucial. For many residents, salary is not merely a regular paycheck but the foundation of their budget, covering essential expenses such as housing, utilities, education, and daily living costs. For most residents in the country, delays in salary payments can disrupt carefully planned budgets and may lead to financial strain, impacting their overall quality of life. Receiving salary on time is not just a matter of convenience but a necessity for managing personal finances effectively.

If you’re experiencing delays in receiving your salary, it’s important to inform your boss about it. However, if you’ve already raised the issue and the problem continues, you can file a confidential complaint online to ensure your identity is protected while addressing your concern with the relevant authorities. Here's your guide:

You can file a complaint by visiting the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (Mohre) website. Go to mohre.gov.ae, click ‘Services’, then 'Services for Employee', and select “My Salary Complaint - Private Sector Employees’. On the right side of the page, click ‘Start Service’. You will be directed to the ‘User Verification’ page where you need to fill in your name, type in your phone number and click ‘Send OTP’. In the ‘Verify OTP’ box, enter the OTP sent to your phone number. In the ‘USER TYPE’ box, select ‘Employee’. You will then be directed to a different page where you have three options to submit a complaint. Choose one of the following: click ‘Search’. Once registered in the database, you will see your information. After filling out the application and providing the required information, you will receive a text message or email with the OTP to verify your identity.

You can also file a complaint using the Mohre mobile app. Sign in with your UAE Pass, tap ‘Services’, then ‘Employees’, choose ‘My Salary’, and tap ‘Reporting delay of salary payment’. To use this service, you must be a private sector employee in the UAE and listed in the Mohre database. Additionally, it is crucial that you do not have any pending complaints or ongoing disputes currently in court. Your complaint will be reviewed by the designated officer, who will determine the appropriate course of action. If your complaint is validated, it will be forwarded to the Labor Inspection Department which will conduct an on-site inspection of your workplace to confirm the validity of your claim.

This service is free of charge. So if you're facing salary delays and your company hasn't addressed the issue yet, you can file a complaint online without worrying about paying for service fees. It will take 14 working days for you to receive a result about your complaint. You will be notified when the request has been processed, and you can track the status of your applications by visiting the Mohre website or checking your Mohre app. You can also track the status of your application through the Ministry's WhatsApp Service at 600590000 or call the Labour Claims and Advisory Centre at 80084. The result of your complaint will be communicated to you through text messages, so make sure to provide your correct or updated phone number.