In 2023, the UAE experienced a 25% surge in Schengen visa applications compared to the previous year, reflecting sustained interest in European travel, as reported by VFS Global, a visa service agency. However, this uptick in demand was accompanied by significant financial losses due to visa rejections, amounting to Dh16.8 million (€4.19 million) in wasted expenses. The rejection rate for Schengen visa applications from the UAE reached 22.44%, a 25% increase from the year before, according to Schengen Visa Info. In total, UAE residents submitted 233,932 Schengen visa applications in 2023, representing 2.27% of all global visa requests and placing the UAE as the 10th highest source of Schengen visa applications. The total cost of these applications was Dh74.9 million (€18.7 million).

The rejection of a Schengen visa can be a distressing experience, often necessitating changes to travel plans and leading to last-minute, more expensive trips to visa-free destinations or even the cancellation of holiday plans. If your Schengen visa application is denied, you have two main options: appeal or reapply. Appealing involves requesting a review of your initial application, whereas reapplying means starting the application process anew. Deciding between these options depends on whether you have resolved the issues that led to your initial rejection and the urgency of your travel plans.

When reapplying, it is crucial to ensure that all required documents are accurately provided. This includes a completed and signed visa application form, two recent passport-sized photos, a valid passport, flight itineraries, travel health insurance meeting Schengen requirements, accommodation records, proof of sufficient funds, employment documents, and evidence of paid visa fees. Addressing the reasons for your initial rejection, such as inconsistent travel itineraries, insufficient funds, or unclear motives for visit, can significantly improve your chances of obtaining a Schengen visa.

If your travel plans remain unchanged, it is advisable to reapply to the same country. However, if your destination has changed, apply to the new country and provide accurate information about your revised itinerary. A cover letter explaining the reasons for your previous rejection and how you have addressed them can also be beneficial. There is no limit to the number of times you can apply for a Schengen visa, but each application should include new evidence to bolster your case.

In 2023, Germany emerged as the top destination for UAE expats, with 26,024 visa applications submitted. Overall, Schengen states received 10,327,572 visa applications in 2023, with a rejection rate of 15.81%. Nationals from third countries filed 36.38% more visa applications in 2023 compared to the previous year.