The UAE maintains a stringent no-tolerance stance regarding the use of psychotropic substances. Nonetheless, two years ago, it revised its legislation (Article 30) to incorporate rehabilitation for first-time drug offenders. Recently, Abu Dhabi's Judicial Court utilized social media to alert residents about the consequences of misusing prescription narcotics and psychotropic substances. The penalties are categorized based on the frequency of the offenses. First-time offenders face a three-month prison term and must pay a fine ranging from Dh20,000 to Dh100,000. A second offense results in a minimum six-month prison sentence and a fine between Dh20,000 and Dh100,000. For a third offense, the penalty varies depending on the type of narcotic abused, with fines potentially exceeding Dh100,000 and a minimum jail term of one year. These penalties are detailed under Articles 41 and 43 of the Federal Decree Law No. (30) of 2021 concerning the fight against narcotics and psychotropic substances.