When you think you’ve got a lot to tell the world, but mere words are not nearly enough, you take a brushand let the canvas speak for you. Having grown up in Vanadzor, a tiny Armenian town, in a bandit-ruled ghetto – a typical post-Soviet landscape - he is sure we are shaped by our environment. In the meantime, the post- apocalyptic reality of abandoned half-ruined factory buildings, ghost towns, and the war of the 1990s, coupled with disastrous earthquakes had their share in shaping his world. Vahrad Melikjanian dwells on the language and mission of his art.

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My artistic philosophy is all about man’s activities – an essential part of human life. Creativity is the engine of material and spiritual progress and the highest modus operandi both of an indi- vidual and human society in general. Among other things, my artwork focuses on robotisation, the illusion of human right for choice, and depriving one of everything and nothing. For me, art is learning about man’s cultural and spiritual world as well as expressing my feelings through an artistic movement. In my view, art is a visual reflection of reality, whose main purpose is familiarising mankind with the beau- tiful, the aesthetic, and the exciting, as well as the mysterious and the contradictory. Art is all about internal harmony, admiration, and echoing. Finally, creative work is a means of communication, a new language, invented by the artist, its uniqueness and richness depending on the uniqueness of his artwork.

i am not a robot

Spontaneous inspiration while getting a second breath is what I usually rely on. It’s a burst of energy, helping me start a new piece or accomplish what I’ve already started doing. Inspired, I find new ideas a lot easier. If I feel my inspiration leaving me half-way, I do my best to keep it. I also find inspiration in my life events, films, books, and music.

The main idea of my life is my Excessive Love for Art, making me spare a huge creative space for it to reveal my life’s purpose through my perfect artwork.

One does not have to be an expert to understand art. Art is what empowers people and improves their lives.


My credo is as follows: No compromises with honesty. Mindfulness of my neighbours. Heeding to others’ advice. Being sincere yet resolute. Every now and then, developing a new skill. Positive thinking. Not fearing to make mistakes but fearing a lack of creative, constructive, and corrective reaction to them. Listening rather than speaking. Keeping my sense of humour in working condition.

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Whatsapp/Telegram: +374 93 104897