Igor Abakumov — on the "liquid money's" taste
There was nothing tastier than this coffee that tasted like diesel fuel. And there was nothing more valuable than "money" with the flavor of freedom
Ksenia Markova — on etiquette, wallets and purses
Ksenia Markova - There is one rule: the gift should not be too expensive, so as not to put the one you wanted to please, in an uncomfortable position.
Vadim Veterkov - what or whom money should serve
It is true that people are easily convertible into gold, but it is also true that gold is easily convertible into people. Vadim Veterkov
Julia Titel — on anti-aging theory and practice
If you decide in a reasonably healthy, comfortable body to reach the period of wisdom, then you will be wise and realize your significance.
Grigoriy Avetov — on capitalizing qualities
For many people, money is some kind of conditional indicator of how useful your actions are. And this position is close to my heart.
Nadiya Cherkasova — on the source of "multifunctionning"
Nadiya Cherkasova - Success is what you know about yourself. It is only your assessment and your choice. Dream and live multiple lives.
Dmitriy Portnyagin—on the new formation businessmen's rules
There is no losing in business. If you do wrong, you learn. If unpleasant situations happen, you gain experience.
Stanislav Belkovskiy — on what stands behind the big capital
Why do the rich like Warren Buffet and Bill Gates and many others not leave substantial? Legacies to their children?